…and the oven gushed forth... It was an oven of stone, belonging firstly to Adam and then passing on to Noah, and God made the gushing forth of water from it a sign of His punishment. However, He made the gushing forth of the wellsprings of the heart of Muḥammad with the lights of knowledge of differentkinds a [sign of] mercy for his nation, because God, Exalted is He, honoured him with this honour. For the light of the prophets  is from his [Muḥammad’s] light, the light of the heavenly dominions is from his light and the light of this world and the Hereafter is from his light. Whoever truly desires [God’s] love must follow him. God said to His Prophet : Say: ‘If you love God, follow me, and God will love you’ [3:31]. Thus has He made love [consist] of following him [the Prophet], and has made the reward for His servants who follow him His love, which is the highest honour (aʿlā al-karāma).It is related on the authority of Abū Mūsā al-Ashʿarī that he said: ‘While we were with the Messenger of God , he approached us and [turned to] face us as if he wished to tell us something.Then he fell into prostration and we prostrated with him at the beginning of the day until around midday, such that some of us could taste the earth through our noses and we remarked to each other, “The Messenger of God has died.” But then he raised his head and said, “God is Great!”, so we said, “God is Great!”. Then someone said to him, “O Messenger of God, we thought you had died and if that had been the case we would not have cared if the sky fell onto the earth.” He said, “My beloved, the Angel Gabriel came to me and said to me, ‘O Muḥammad, your Lord greets you with peace and gives you the choice between a third of your nation entering Paradise and the right to intercession.