O you who believe believe in God and His Messenger and the Book which has been revealed to His Messenger; and the Book which was revealed before. And whoever disbelieves in God and His angels and His Books and His messengers and the Last Day verily he has strayed far away. “O you who believe from the point of view of demonstrative proof burhān believe from the point of view of clear evidence bayān until you believe from the point of view of unveiling kashf and eyewitnessing ʿiyān.” It is said: “O you who believe through affirmation taṣdīq believe by recognizing the truth taḥqīq that your salvation comes through His favor not through your belief.” It is said: “O you who believe in the present ḥāl believe with unwaver- ing belief up to the end maÌāl.” It is said: “O you who believe believe that He is beyond every union and separation waṣl wa-faṣl finding and losing wajd wa-faqd.” It is said “O you who believe through the use of the proofs of intel- lects adillat al-ʿuqūl: When you alight in the courtyard of arriving and the bewilderment of sudden intuition and the forces of perplexity take possession of you and you then awaken from this state of absence [from creation] believe that that which overwhelmed you was the witness of the Real kāna shāhida al-ḥaqq not the reality Itself lā ḥaqīqata al-dhāt for the Eternal is too sanctified and holy for any nearness and distance union and separation.”