And do not dispute on behalf of those who betray themselves; surely God loves not one who is treacherous and sinful. They hide themselves from people but they do not hide themselves from God; for He is with them while they plot at night with discourse displeas- ing to Him. God is ever Encompassing of what they do. Those who prefer their worldly concerns ḥuẓūẓ over His rights ḥuqūq and are content to remain in the familiar territories of their whim without moving to the waystations of the [ultimate] contentment riḌāÌ -God does not love those who are treacherous. He will humble them and most assuredly will not honor them. They hide themselves from people: Their hearts are dominated by what created beings can see [or not see]. Those who have been branded with the mark of separation have no awareness that the Real views their hearts from on high.