We said “Go down from it all together yet there shall come to you from Me guidance and whoever follows My guidance no fear shall befall them neither shall they grieve.” When one displays bad manners on the carpet one is shown the door. When Adam عليه السلام behaved badly at the fountain of nearness God most high said “Go down some of you an enemy to the other; and in the earth a dwelling shall be yours [2:36]-after you had a place of nearness for dwelling and enjoyment for a while.” They were enjoying ease but in the end they returned to want. They have recited: When they became poor they clung to poverty hoping for a reward. Even when things were easy for them they hastened to return to that state. At the same time that [God] expelled [Adam] from the garden and caused him to descend to the earth He gave him the glad tidings that He would return him to his [former] condition if his heart were inclined to return. He said “Yet there shall come to you from Me guidance and who- ever follows My guidance no fear shall befall them neither shall they grieve.”