(It is not for the townsfolk of al-Medina) it is not permissible for the folk of Medina (and for those around them of the wandering Arabs) from Muzaynah, Juhaynah and Aslam (to stay behind the Messenger of Allah) when there is a military expedition (and prefer their lives to his life) and it is not permissible that they should feel more compassionate towards themselves than they are towards the Prophet; it is also said that this means: they should not refrain from accompanying the Prophet (pbuh) in jihad. (That) accompaniment (is because neither thirst) when going or returning (nor toil nor hunger afflicteth them in the way of Allah) in jihad, (nor step they any step) nor do they go past any territory they conquer (that angereth the disbelievers, nor gain they from the enemy a gain) by killing or defeating them, (but a good deed is recorded for them therefore) the reward of a good deed is recorded for them in jihad. (Allah loseth not) thwarts not (the wages of the good) the reward of the believers in jihad.