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* تفسير Kashf Al-Asrar Tafsir

{ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ }

Thee alone we worship, and Thee alone we ask for help.

This alludes to two of the religion's great pillars, around which revolves the traveling of the re-

ligious. The first is to adorn the soul through worship and self-purification. It is to keep oneself adorned with a worship that has no eye-service and an obedience that has no hypocrisy. The other is to purify the soul of associating others with God and of paying attention to power and strength. It is to purify one's own soul, to keep it cleansed of associationism and corruption, and not to depend on one's own power and strength.

“Adornment” alludes to everything in the Shariah that ought to be, and “purification” alludes to everything in the Shariah that ought not to be.

Look carefully at these two short words: When someone's heart has familiarity and bright- ness, he will understand from them all the laws of the religion. The words of MuṣṬafā will be veri- fied for you: “I was given the all-comprehensive words and my speech was made very concise.”

Thee alone we worship. It has been said that this is sheer tawḤīd, and that it is the belief that nothing other than God is worthy of worship. The worshiper knows that lordhood is fitting for God and that He is an object of worship without peer, for He is unique and one.

And Thee alone we ask for help. This is an allusion to the recognition of the recognizers. It is recognizing that He is solitary in all acts and that the servant cannot get along by himself without His help. The root of this tawḤīd and the basis of this recognition is that you recognize the Real's being and oneness; then His ability, knowledge, and loving kindness; then His beautiful doing, friendship, and nearness. The first is the foundation of the submission, the second the foundation of faith, the third the foundation of self-purification.

The road of the first recognition is to see the governance of the Artisan in loosening and ty- ing the artifacts. The road of the second recognition is to see the wisdom of the Artisan in oneself and to recognize the correspondences. The road of the third recognition is to see the gentleness of the Patron in doing deeds and putting aside sins.
