He exalted be He will say to them on the Day of Resurrection ‘Enter into the Fire among the number of communities of jinn and mankind who passed away before you’ fī’l-nār ‘into the Fire’ is semantically connected to udkhulū ‘enter’. Every time a community enters the Fire it curses its sister-community the one that came before it because of its having gone astray on account of it until when they have all followed caught up with one another there the last of them those who were the followers shall say to the first of them those whom they revered and followed ‘Our Lord these led us astray; so give them a double chastisement of the Fire.’ He exalted be He will say ‘For each of you and them will be a double chastisement but you do not know’ read ta‘lamūn or ya‘lamūn ‘they do not know’ what will be for each party.