And when Moses returned to his people angry because of them and bitterly grieved he said to them ‘Evil is that that is evil is the manner of succession which you have followed in my place after I had gone this idolatry of yours. Would you hasten on the judgement of your Lord?’ And he cast down the Tablets the Tablets of the Torah angry for the sake of his Lord and they were broken into pieces and he seized his brother by the head that is by the hair with his right hand and seized him by the beard with his left hand dragging him toward him in anger. He said ‘O son of my mother! read either ibna ummi or ibna umma by which he meant the standard form of saying ‘my mother’ ummī the mention of her is more affectionate in appealing to his heart Truly the people judged me weak and they were close to killing me. Do not make my enemies gloat over my misfortune to rejoice thereat by your humiliating me and do not count me among the folk who have done evil’ by worshipping the calf in your reproach of them.