Surely We revealed the Torah wherein is guidance from error and light that is an exposition of the rulings by which the prophets from the Children of Israel who had submitted who had been compliant before God judged for those of Jewry as did the rabbis the scholars among them and the priests the jurists according to because of that which they were bidden to observe that which was entrusted to them that is to say that which God bid them to observe of God’s Scripture lest they change it and were witnesses to its truth. So do not fear men O Jews in disclosing what you have pertaining to the descriptions of Muhammad (s) the ‘stoning’ verse and otherwise; but fear Me when you conceal it; and do not sell do not exchange My signs for a small price of this world which you take in return for concealing them. Whoever does not judge according to what God has revealed — such are the disbelievers in it.