Verily God has fulfilled the vision for His Messenger in all truth The Messenger of God s saw in his sleep in the year of al-Hudaybiyya before his departure from Medina that he would enter Mecca together with his Companions safely whereafter they would shave completely or shorten their hair. He informed his Companions of this and they rejoiced. But when they set off with him from Medina and the disbelievers impeded them at al-Hudaybiyya such that they had to retreat which was distressing for them for some of the hypocrites began to have doubts about the Prophet’s sincerity this verse was revealed bi’l-haqqi ‘in all truth’ is semantically connected to sadaqa ‘fulfilled’ or it is a circumstantial qualifier referring to al-ru’yā ‘the vision’ and what comes after it is the explanation thereof ‘You will assuredly enter the Sacred Mosque God willing — this is said to secure blessings — in safety to shave your heads that is all the hair or to shorten it to shorten some of the hair both muhalliqīna and muqassirīna are implied circumstantial qualifiers without any fear’ ever. So He knew there to be in the truce what you did not know in the way of reconciliation between the believers and the Meccans and assigned you before that entry a near victory namely the conquest of Khaybar — the vision was fulfilled in the following year.