And if a woman wa-in imra’atun is in the nominative because of it being the subject of the explicative verb that follows fears anticipates from her husband ill-treatment if he looks down on her by refraining to sleep with her or by not maintaining her adequately because he is averse to her and aspires to one more beautiful than her or rejection turning his face away from her they are not at fault if they are reconciled through some agreement in terms of shares and maintenance expenses so that she concedes something to him in return for continuing companionship; if she agrees to this then that is fine but if she does not then the husband must either give her all her due or part with her an yassālahā ‘they reconcile’ the original tā’ of yatasālahā has been assimilated with the sād; a variant reading has an yuslihā from the fourth form aslaha; reconciliation is better than separation ill-treatment or rejection. God exalted be He in explaining the natural disposition of man says But greed has been made present in the souls al-shuhh is extreme niggardliness meaning that they have a natural propensity for this as if they the souls are ever in its presence never absent from it. The meaning is a woman would scarcely allow another to share her husband with her and a man would scarcely allow her to enjoy him if he were to fall in love with another. If you are virtuous in your conjugal life with women and fear being unjust to them surely God is ever aware of what you do and He will requite you for it.