That is that dhālika the predicate of an implied subject in other words ‘the matter’ or ‘the affair’ is ‘that which has been mentioned’. And whoever venerates the sacraments of God namely those things whose violation is forbidden that veneration of them shall be better for him with his Lord in the Hereafter. And cattle are lawful for you to consume after their slaughter except for that which has been recited to you as being unlawful in the verse Forbidden to you is carrion … Q. 53. The exceptive clause above is a discontinuous one; but it could also be taken as continuous so that the prohibition is of that which has died and so on. So avoid the abomination of idols mina’l-awthān min here is explicative as opposed to partitive in other words ‘avoid abomination namely idols’ and avoid false speech that is to say ascribing partners to God in your uttering of the talbiya or avoid bearing false witness;