Eat thereof and pasture your cattle therein an‘ām ‘cattle’ is the plural of na‘am which are camels cows and sheep; one says ra‘atu’l-an‘āmu ‘the cattle grazed’ or ra‘aytuhā ‘I grazed them’; the imperative here is meant as a permissive and a reminder of God’s grace the sentence being a circumstantial qualifier referring to the subject of the verb akhrajnā ‘We brought forth’ in other words what is meant is ‘We brought forth the plants permitting you to eat thereof and to graze your cattle thereon’. In that which is mentioned here there are indeed signs indeed lessons for people of sense possessors of intellect al-nuhā the plural of nuhya similar in pattern to ghurfa plural ghuraf. The intellect is called by this term nuhya because it shows a person the sense to refrain from committing vile deeds.