You would not be at fault if you should seek bounty sustenance from your Lord by engaging in commerce at the Pilgrimage this was revealed in response to their aversion to such an idea; but when you press on push on from ‘Arafāt having stood in prayer upon it then remember God after the overnight stay at Muzdalifa by repeating the talbiya sc. labbayka Llāhummā labbayk ‘at thy service O God at thy service’ the tahlīl lā ilāha illā Llāh ‘no god but God’ and making supplications at the Sacred Waymark a mountain at the end of Muzdalifa called Quzah. In one hadīth the Prophet s stood there remembering God and supplicating until his face began to glow brightly according to Muslim; and remember Him as He has guided you to the principal rites of His religion and the rituals of His Pilgrimage the kāf of ka-mā ‘as’ is the particle denoting the reason though previously before His guidance you were astray.