Fulfil the Pilgrimage and the Visitation to God by completing them according to their due; but if you are prevented from fulfilling them by an enemy then give such offering as may be feasible for you — a sheep — and do not shave your heads that is do not release yourselves from the state of pilgrimage inviolability until the offering mentioned reaches its place its place of sacrifice that is within the enclosure according to al-Shāfi‘ī; the sacrifice is then made with the intention of releasing oneself from the state of pilgrimage inviolability and is divided among the needy after which the head is shaved and the release is effected. If any of you is sick or has an ailment of the head such as lice or severe pains and has thus shaved his head while in a state of pilgrimage inviolability then incumbent upon him is a redemption by fast for three days or a voluntary almsgiving consisting of three cubic measures of the principal food of the town for six needy persons or a ritual sacrifice that is the slaughter of a sheep aw ‘or’ denotes freedom of choice. To this last has been added the case of the one who shaves his head without excuse because the requirement of redemption is most obvious in his case; but also it is required in the case of one that enjoys without shaving such things as scents attire or oils be it with an excuse or without. When you are secure knowing that the enemy has gone or is not present then whoever enjoys the Visitation having completed it and observed its ritual prohibitions until the Pilgrimage until he enters its ritual inviolability in the relevant months; let his offering be such as is feasible for him such as a sheep that he sacrifices after entering into the state of pilgrimage inviolability ideally on the Day of Sacrifice; or if he finds none because there are none available or because he does not have sufficient funds then incumbent upon him is a fast of three days in the Pilgrimage that is to say in a state of pilgrimage inviolability. In such a case he should enter into the state of pilgrimage inviolability before the seventh of Dhū’l-Hijja but ideally before the sixth because one is discouraged from fasting on the Day of ‘Arafa.