And when idh is dependent because it is governed by an implicit udhkur ‘mention when’ We said to the angels ‘Prostrate before Adam’ a prostration involving a bow not placing one’s forehead down to the ground as a greeting to him; and so they prostrated all except Iblīs. He was one of the jinn — some say that these creatures are a species of angels in which case the exceptive clause illā Iblīs ‘except Iblīs’ is a continuous one; but it is also said to be discontinuous since Iblīs is considered the progenitor of all the jinn having offspring who are mentioned alongside him further below; angels on the other hand do not have offspring; and he transgressed against his Lord’s command that is to say he rebelled against obedience to Him by refraining from performing the prostration. Will you then take him and his offspring — this address is to Adam and his progeny the final pronominal suffix hā’ in both words refers to Iblīs for your patrons instead of Me obeying them when they are an enemy to you? in other words when they are your enemies wa-hum lakum ‘aduwwun is a circumstantial qualifier. How evil for the evildoers is that substitute! of Iblīs and his offspring in obeying them instead of obeying God.