And remember when We said to you ‘Truly your Lord encompasses mankind’ in knowledge and power over them such that they are within His grasp so deliver the Message to them and do not fear anyone because God will protect you from them. And We did not appoint the vision that We showed you before your very eyes during the Night Journey except as a test for people for the people of Mecca — since they denied it and some of them even apostatised when he the Prophet informed them of it — and likewise the tree cursed in the Qur’ān namely the tree called Zaqqūm Q.3762ff that issues from the very root of the Blazing Fire of Hell; We made it a test for them because they said ‘Fire consumes trees so how can it cause it the Zaqqūm tree to issue forth?’. And We seek to deter them with it but it Our deterrence only increases them in gross insolence.