And God strikes a similitude mathalan this is substituted by the following rajulayn two men one of whom is dumb from birth having no power over anything as he cannot understand nor be understood and who is a liability burdensome to his master — the legal guardian of his affairs — wherever he directs him he does not bring therefrom any good he does not succeed and this is the similitude of the disbeliever. Is he that is the dumb one mentioned equal to one who enjoins justice that is to one who is able to speak of benefit to people since he enjoins it justice and encourages others to it and follows a path a way that is straight? — this being the second man the believer — No he is not equal to him. It is also said that this last similitude is a similitude of God while the similitude of the dumb one is of the idols so that the preceding verse contains the similitude of the disbeliever and the believer.