(You will find others) other than the people of Hilal, Asad and Ghatafan for example (who desire that they should have security from you) they desire that their persons and wealth and families be safe from you by the declaration of “there is no god but Allah”, (and security from their own folk) and desire to be safe from their clan by adhering to disbelief. (So often as they are returned to hostility) to idolatry (they are plunged therein) they revert to it. (If they keep not aloof from you) upon the conquest of Mecca (nor offer you peace) nor submit to you by means of a treaty (nor hold their hands) from fighting you upon the conquest of Mecca, (then take them) as prisoners (and kill them wherever you find them) in the Sacred Precinct or anywhere else. (Against such) i.e. Asad and Ghatafan (We have given you clear warrant) to kill them.