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* تفسير Al Qushairi Tafsir

{ وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَٰئِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي ٱلأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً قَالُواْ أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ ٱلدِّمَآءَ وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ قَالَ إِنِّيۤ أَعْلَمُ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ }

And when your Lord said to the angels “I am appointing on earth a viceregent” they said “What will You appoint therein one who will do cor- ruption therein and shed blood while we glorify You with praise and sanctify Youḍ”; He said “Assuredly I know what you know not.” This is the beginning of the disclosure of His secret regarding Adam and his progeny. He commanded that clay be extracted from every patch of ground and then commanded that it be left to ferment for forty mornings. Every one of the angels was full of amazement: “What is the property ḥukm of this clayḍ” When He assembled [Adam's] form they had never seen anything like it in marvelous craftsmanship and astonishing wisdom. So when He said “I am appointing on earth... ” conjectures were thrown about hearts were scattered and accusations were made. It was just as [the poet] said: How often I have seen someone beautiful but among mortals my choice has fallen upon you. It is said that God سبحانه وتعالى created all the things He created but did not say about any of them what He said about Adam when He said “I am appoint- ing on earth a viceregent.” The external sense of these words resembles mutual consultation if it were to be [part of a conversation] among cre- ated beings. The Real سبحانه وتعالى created the gardens with what is in them and the throne with what it has in well-ordered parts and perfect forms but He did not say “I am creating a throne or a garden or an angel.” Yet He said of Adam “I am appointing on earth a viceregent” as a way of conferring honor and distinction. The words of the angels “What will You appoint therein one who will do corruption thereinḍ” were not an objection to the divine decree but rather a way of seeking to understand it. To interpret the expression in such a way as to absolve the angels of any blame is more fitting since they are sinless. God most high said [in reference to the angels that they are those] Who do not disobey God in what He commands them [66:6]. Others have said that in this speech the Real سبحانه revealed the hidden haughtiness of [the angels'] obedience and the attention they paid to their own acts in their hearts.

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