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* تفسير Al Qushairi Tafsir

{ ٱلَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱلْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ ٱلصَّلٰوةَ وَممَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ }

Who believe in the unseen and maintain the prayer The true meaning of belief īmān is affirmation taṣdīq and then actu- alization taḥqīq both of which are brought about by God's granting of success tawfīq. The affirmation is in the pledge ʿaqd and actualization is through the exertion of effort jahd in preserving the pact ʿahd and observing the limit ḥadd. The believers are those who affirm ṣaddaqū their commitment iʿtiqād and then are sincere ṣadaqū in their effort ijtihād. As for the unseen what the servant knows of it is limited to what is necessary. The servant understands each religious matter by a kind of reasoning istidlāl a mode of mental examination fikr and calling forth of evidence istishhād. So the belief is invisible ghaybī within it. The Lord سبحانه وتعالى is unseen ghayb and what the Real speaks about with regard to the gathering and the resurrection the reward and the place of return and the reckoning and punishment is unseen. It is said that only someone who has the lamp of the unseen with him believes. Those who are supported by the demonstrative proof of intellects burhān al-ʿuqūl believe through the corroboration of knowledge dalālat al-ʿilm and what points to certainty ishārat al-yaqīn. The veracity of rea- soning ṣidqu al-istidlāl brings them to the courtyards of seeking insight istibṣār and what is correct in the evidence they call forth istishhād carries them to the elevated observation points of stillness. Their faith in the unseen comes through the types of knowledge ʿulūm they possess crowding out the causes of doubt. [Others] receive deeper instruction taʿrīf through curtains of lights He has lowered down over them. Through the glimmers of clear evidence bayān He has freed them from the need for any reflection fikr and vision ruÌya any seeking of pure intuitions khawāṬir zakiyya or rejection of ignoble urgings dawāʿin radiyya. The suns of their innermost selves rise and they no longer have any need for the lamps of their reasoning istidlāl. Regarding this they have recited: From your face my night has become the sun of the bright morning. The darkness in the air is elsewhere. People are in the twilight of darkness. While we from your face are in the bright morning light. They also recite: The sun of the one who loves you has appeared at night.

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